Level Up is the better way to pay. Save money the first time you try a place. Save money whenever you go back. And, save time, by paying with your phone. For iPhone and Android Smartphones! I’m not sure if they have a Blackberry or Windows Mobile app – if you know please tell me via comments!
Ok so here are some deals:
Grab $3.00 to spend at Johnny Rockets. https://www.thelevelup.com/c/31AZU4
Grab $2.00 to spend at The Original SoupMan. https://www.thelevelup.com/c/J5AEQS
Grab $2.00 to spend at Beyond Sushi. https://www.thelevelup.com/c/A9VHR8
Grab $5.00 to spend at Seaport Cafe. https://www.thelevelup.com/c/DMUHG3